Free, Open Source Software
Free and paid support options are available on all our open source products.
Postage - A fast alternative to PGAdmin.
Free for personal or commercial use. Postage was created to show off Envelope, our web application platform that makes building desktop-quality database applications on top of PostgreSQL or Microsoft SQL Server a breeze.
Postage was the first free, open source application to use a modern architecture for managing a PostgreSQL database. Due to the efforts of the Workflow Products team and the Envelope codebase, Postage was benchmarked to be the fastest PostgreSQL Administration application for it's entire first year. During that time it acquired thousands of users from dozens of countries all across the world.
Postage has set the baseline of PostgreSQL Admin app speed and feature set and we are excited to witness the resulting growth and competition in the PostgreSQL ecosystem.
All currently supported versions of PostgreSQL are supported by Postage.
Free support is available through the bug tracker here.
Paid, Open Source Software
Free and paid support options are available on all our open source products.
Envelope for ODBC / Microsoft SQL Server
Free trial available. Paid support is currently available for Microsoft SQL Server. Dedicated development services available. We bill actual time used so you only pay for what you use.
Yes! We can support any ODBC database! Call for information. More info.